Monday, 21 May 2012

Hand Written

I am currently working on a few signage designs for another commision for The Old Fire Station, Oxford  (see ). The designs are for two windows, and we will be using either laser cut vinyl or printed vinyl.

The signage has to advertise the shop, the gallery and the cafe. The message which needs to get across to the audience (the passing public), is unique, hand made, and original.
I will be using hand written text to give that hand made feel and also to make the signage more personal.
I have been working on ideas using different media and colour, just playing with the materials to see what I can come up with. I wanted to introduce pattern and texture into the text to bring in the design element from the shop and the gallery.

Experimenting with different media

Graphite, rubbed back

Ideas and inspiration
I like the orange, grey, white and black colour scheme...maybe some blue?

As well as using the hand written type, I will also be using drawn images. I want the images to work with the type and become part of the whole image. The overall look will be bold, and contrasting to create a striking image which people will notice. Hopefully the hand written type will intrigue enough for people to want to read it and come into the building. I have been photographing some of the objects found in the shop as a starting point for drawing and sketching out ideas. I will be taking some of these objects and maybe creating silhouettes or a paper cut effect to include detail and pattern. I will also be looking at some of the pattern and deign on the objects, and maybe just use them on their own.

I have been looking at the bold images of lino cut prints as inspiration.

This reminded me of the red Chinese paper cuts

...and the paper cut illustrations of Rob Ryan

and then a screen print which I did a few years ago...

So, I will be experimenting with the objects and pattern next. Watch this space.

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