Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Releasing the moulds

 I was quite pleased with the recent batch of moulds, taken from doll's parts. They seem to have worked much better by placing the object at the end of the retainer wall. They came away easily.

 This is the first attempt at the casting from the first moulds. Although I had to glue some bits together which broke as they were extracted from the mould, it is hidden with the silver leaf. I chose to use the silver leaf as it creates a shinier finish to using silver paint, spray or pen. It has more depth to it. Someone said it reminded them of chocolate. I'd like to attempt to make a whole body (but maybe using different parts from odd dolls, and maybe an animal head)...watch this space!

 Second casting attempt with this mould. It seems to work much better if you leave the plaster over night to dry out/ go off a bit more. This way it is stronger when releasing from the mould, and less breakages!

Second attempt leg cast

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